Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Church Historic

    And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul. The church of God throughout all the world. Some of you may remember that, at our last meeting, we grouped our reflections around the sentiment of reverence. The conclusion was reached that this sentiment is necessary to the completeness and happiness […]

  • Making All Things New

    And He that sitteth upon the throne said. Behold ! I maketh all things new. Apocalypse. It is interesting to remind ourselves that in its origin the word Nature describes a process and not an object. It is more a verb than a noun. In its earliest form it signifies that which is “about to […]

  • Devotion And Doubt

    O come, let us bow down, let us worship before the Lord—Hebrew Poet. The spirit, I, which evermore denies.—Goethe. Selected from literature belonging to ages far removed from each other, these sentences invite us to a study of two sides of human life which may be called devotion and doubt or reverence and scepticism. Whether […]

  • Applied Religion

    Those things which ye have both learned and received, do; and the God of peace shall be with you.—Paul. Religion relates to life; and the life of religion is to do good.—Swedenborg. Human life is so large in itself and so varied in its contents, that it is impossible to include all its meaning in […]

  • Lost Paradises

    Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden. Hebrew Scriptures. It is now well known that the story of which these words are a fragment is not peculiar to the He-brew writings, With a few variations it can be found in many places. There may be various portraits of the same […]

  • The Mills Of The Gods

    Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, that in the dispensation of the fullness of time He might gather together in one all things in Christ.—Paul. The philosophers have always been much perplexed when they attempt to find the right group of words to express their notions of space and time. All […]

  • The Way Of Freedom

    Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. —Jesus. The words truth and free occuring in this famous sentence possess an importance that is almost impossible to overstate. They have been one of the most powerful motives of human progress. To the desire of the mind for truth nearly all the […]

  • Government And The People

    Give the King thy judgments, O God, and he will judge thy people righteously. Hebrew Poetry. The many successful and unsuccesful attempts at assassination of those in power and the general unrest in different nations of the earth, at frequent intervals, indicate a lack of harmony between the governments and some of the people. Within […]

  • The Aim Of Religion

    A highway shall be there and it shall be called the way of holiness. Isaiah. The philosophers tell us that, in order to produce anything, four distinct influences are necessary. In making a world or in making a flower four causes are present. The first of these is the efficient cause; or that which is […]

  • The Boast Of Heraldry

    I have anointed my king upon the hill of holiness. -Hebrew Poet. For naturalist and moralist alike one topic never looses its interest,—the struggle of the best for supremacy. The apostles of evolution consider this as one of the chief factors of all progress. By many attempts, new adaptations, transmisson of tendencies,—the eye adjusting itself […]

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